
Hi! This is my personal blog. I use it mainly for writing random essays and book reviews, and for sharing these with friends. I love writing about the topics that fascinate me - it’s a great way to clarify your own thoughts and track their changes over time. It’s also nice to have a personal space where you can just write from the heart and not take things too seriously. So this is just a preamble to point out that most of what I write here is just me getting on paper the kind of things me and my buddies ramble on about down the pub.

In addition to my primary research interests in computational neuroscience, I spend a lot of time reading about foundations of mathematics, theoretical computer science, philosophy of mind, epistemology, psychotherapy, and Buddhism, so these are the types of things I blog about. These topics may seem disparate, but I somehow feel the interconnections between them go all the way down.

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